Hodder and Stoughton (Hardback)
ISBN 678 1 399 8204 9
Price £16.99
187 pages

This book is based on the Sermon on the Mount, which Rich Villodas describes as “essentially the greatest TED Talk ever given”. It is definitely the one talk in history that everybody still seems to be talking about.

The author covers most of the Sermon on the Mount (he does not tackle the tricky bit in Matthew 5:17-20) in 12 chapters divided up into two main sections: Understanding the Narrow Path – Walking the Narrow Path, with an interlude: Prayer and the Narrow Path, and an Afterword: Practicing Obedience.

The book is well-written, fresh and practical. I was pleased to see the author explain that the narrow path was not negative and restrictive but in fact the path to true freedom and flourishing. Likewise, I appreciated the reminder of the need to put the teaching of Jesus into practice and not to merely know about it.

“The broad path is full of people who have a lot of scriptures.”

This would make a good book to read a chapter at a time as part of our devotions. It is a pity that there are not questions for reflection. This would have made the book useful as a small group resource; although I am sure creative church leaders could rustle up some questions.

John Woods is a writer and Bible teacher based in West Sussex. He is Director of Training at the School of Preachers in Riga, Latvia.