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Therapeutic gardening project proves benefits for mental health

An Essex-based mental health charity aiming to make therapeutic gardening accessible across the UK with valuable training. For the past two decades Trust Links, who operate the Growing Together therapeutic gardening project across Essex, has seen the positive impacts of therapeutic gardening on individuals with mental health difficulties. From nurturing…

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‘Christianity is countercultural, and it is our job to be gracious about that’

John Woods talks to MP and former Lib-Dem leader Tim Farron about politics, his faith and his book A Mucky Business: why Christians should get involved in politics I was pleasantly surprised that the book was so Christian:your Christian faith is clearly integral to this book; why is this important…

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Benefact Trust grants £500,000 to tackle the Cost of Living Crisis

With rampant inflation and millions of households facing food and fuel poverty this winter, £500,000 of Benefact Trust funding has been allocated to three major Christian charities relieving the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis here, in the UK and in Ireland. A spokesperson commented: “We’re all painfully aware…

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Chris Morphew – Illustrated by Emma Randall – Who Am I and Why do I Matter?

This book designed for 9-13s is written in a chatty informal style that helpfully addresses the issues that age group and many others face when thinking about their identity. The author skilfully engages with the struggles that young people have in having a positive self-image. The book gently challenges the…

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Iran: rescuing persecuted believers to help restore and rebuild their lives

There is growing concern for the safety of Christian converts in Iran following a British government report that found that simply being a Christian is enough to get you arrested there. The report revealed that "many arrests reportedly took place during police raids on religious gatherings" and that "Christians, particularly…

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