The 148th Keswick Convention opened at the Pencil Factory in Keswick this week, bringing thousands of Christians of all generations together for Bible teaching and fellowship in the heart of the Lakes.

Even with a rainy start to the weekend, Week 1 of Keswick Convention 2023 has got off to a successful start with new and returning visitors coming together in Keswick to enjoy the Lake District and take part in an engaging Bible teaching programme run by Keswick Ministries.

Keswick Ministries runs the annual, three-week Convention which this year is exploring the theme of Human. The Convention is open for everyone to attend (Kids and Youth programmes require registration) and can be joined online via the @keswickconvention YouTube livestream.

The first week of the event welcomed a range of speakers including Bible Reader Sam Allberry presenting a series on How we can be sure of our value as human beings in a fallen world and our hope as Christians in Jesus Christ as taught in 1 John.

Sam’s opening Bible Reading explored 1 John 1:7 encouraging listeners that “fellowship is dropping the pretence and being honest with one another and as we do that, God binds us together.”

The banner of Keswick Convention is ‘All One in Christ Jesus’ as in Galatians 3:28. It is this fellowship and binding together around God’s word and mission that the Convention continues to foster.

The Convention is run by Keswick Ministries with the help of a team of more than 500 volunteers who give their time to support the event each year. Many volunteers return each year to serve on the team, be part of sharing God’s word with others, and enjoy the time of fellowship in the Lake District.

Amy, a volunteer helping on the 11-18 years programme this week said: “I love serving at Keswick Convention every year because it is a privilege to teach the Bible to young people and it’s so encouraging to see them learn about Jesus and grow in their own faith over the week.”

The Convention hosts a separate programme for Keswick Kids (3-11 years) and Keswick Youth (11-18 years), as well as 19-24’s track and in Week 1, Count Everyone In, for adults with learning disabilities.

Each week of the Convention includes seminar speakers covering topics relating to this year’s theme including back to basics in Christian faith with Anne Zaki; living out our faith and reaching our urban neighbours with Efrem Buckle; and what the Bible teaches about the purpose and value of humanity with Mark Greene. All seminars and talks will be available on Keswick Ministries YouTube, Kes Talks podcast and website Talks Library following the Convention.

The Convention continues until 4 August with a new series of speakers beginning on Saturday (22 July) including pastor and speaker from Canada, Jonathan Griffiths leading the Morning Bible Readings continuing the theme of Human by looking at the book of Colossians and how we are made and re-made in Christ.

The full event programme and livestream can be found at along with more information about the ministry and year-round resources for Christians.